Matlab R2016b on Linux

February 22, 2017

I think I finally found a fix to maximizing plots in matlab and having the datatip follow your cursor correctly.

I think a related problem has been documented on the Matlab Central

If I recall correctly, I had tried to fix this a long time ago as well, but now it seems to have worked. I’m working on an updated system using Fedora 25 (64bit).


You need to install wmname

sudo dnf install wmname

The fix

Now you should change the window manager name to LG3D. Before executing matlab, run

wmname LG3D

This bugreport helped me solve the issue.

Hardware OpenGL

It seems that Matlab bundles an old version of libstdc++ that confilcts with that of a modern linux install. The conflicting versions cause matlab to crash when using hardware acceleration for OpenGL. You might get the following error message:

Error using gca

While setting the 'Parent' property of 'Axes':

Can't load
  version 'CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by /lib64/

This post explains the issue and suggests that one exports the variable LD_PRELOAD before launching matlab.

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/

Permanently enabling these settings

For some reason, you can’t just add wmname LG3D to .bashrc. Maybe the window manager needs to be enabled first. Instead, I created a shadow matlab script that sets the command everytime.

I assume you are running all commands as root. You can change to root with the sudo -i command.

To do this, move the old Matlab launcher

cd /usr/local/MATLAB/R2016b/bin
mv matlab matlab_actual

Now create a new file called matlab with the following content


wmname LG3D

export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/

/usr/local/MATLAB/R2016a/bin/matlab_actual "$@"

Now make sure the new file is executable

chmod +x matlab

Installing matlab in system directories

If you haven’t done so, you can install Matlab in a system directory so that you can launch it by just typing matlab. To do so run the following command

sudo ln -s /usr/local/MATLAB/R2016b/bin/matlab /usr/local/bin/.

Fedora launchers

I also made a few fedora launchers that came be obtained through the Copr repository. It has different launchers for each version of Matlab in case you have concurrent installs.